Rubik's Rubik's Smart Egg Puzzle 5+
6.99 Excl. tax
Ages 6+
Test your problem-solving brain teaser skills with the Rubik`s Smart Egg.
Product description
Test your problem-solving brain teaser skills with the Rubik`s Smart Egg. Twist & turn the wand through the egg`s paths to successfully drive it from one end & out the other! Once you solve the egg`s inner labyrinth, show off your decorative egg puzzle with pride on a desk or shelf as home decor. Collect all 3! Fans of classic toys, fidget toys, and vintage toys will love this classic puzzle to add to their toys, anime, action figures or Rubik`s Cube collection
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Rubik's Rubik's Smart Egg Puzzle 5+
6.99 Excl. tax